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Pinch Punch....

It's the first of the month. I can't believe we're in May already?!

Hopefully the though the nicer weather is on its way and I can visit the Confetti Fields. I couldn't go last year with friends so missed the beauty of it all.

However my best friend still went with one of her daughters and little munckin. I just love this picture of the 3 of them together.

To keep the flower theme I just had to use the Scalloped Circle Stitch File (JWCFST6) so quick and easy to stitch but very effective.

To create a bit of interest, I lightly drew around a plate creating a circle for my journaling.

After using some Evergreen Bough oxide inks to add a bit of colour to my white card I then found a Fence svg and cut that out.

I already knew I was going to use Simple Stories Vintage Cottage Fields ephemera, though went overboard and realised I didn't have enough (insert eyeroll here) but thanks to my lovely friend Julie, who came to the rescue with some stickers, which I backed on to card. I built up the flowers around the fence adding in some butterflies/word strips. Finally adding in a title from Bramble Fox and there you have it.

I hope this inspires you to give the stitching cut files a go if you haven't already.

We have lots more ideas from the team on our blog, Instagram and in out Facebook Community Group.

Happy crafting everyone

Jak xo

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