Hello, Rachel form the Design Team here. I absolutely love the 49 & Market Vintage Artistry Everywhere Ultimate Page Kit so simple to use and add bits too it. Actually I love anything to do with 49 & Market and their latest collection Spectrum Gardenia is to die for - going on the shopping list!
One of my favourite places to travel to is Boa Vista, one of the Cape Verde islands, I have not long come back and have booked already to go next year :)
For this layout, I have used a page from 49 & Market Vintage Artistry Everywhere Ultimate Page kit. I have also used from 49 & Market the Vintage Artistry Rub on Transfer set and the Vintage Artistry fabric tape, all can be bought from twilight crafts co.uk. https://www.twilightcrafts.co.uk/49-market and don't forget to check out the 49 & Market Spectrum Gardenia range also available on the website.

a lovely Bank Holiday weekend and see you next month.
Happy Scrapping! - Rachel x