Last month I made a page using the Hexagon Background cut-file, which I shrank down, duplicated and welded to give me more, smaller hexagons than the original file had.
I cut this from cream cardstock and it left me with two things - the hexagon background which I intended to back with patterned papers, and a stack of hexagon 'middles'. I decided to use both, for two separate pages, diverted to find a neutral background for the inner shapes, used the outline piece (before backing) to help position my inners neatly with consistent gaps between them (and forgot to take the photo that should be here at this point!).
Returning to my first page, I backed the cut-file with an assortment of papers from Amy Tangerine Late Afternoon and used it with two photos from when we did Eastleigh parktun last November.
I've now returned to my bonus additional page which uses the middles of the cut-file. I'd stuck them to a Crate Paper background paper in a more haphazard manner than the strict grid of the page above and wanted a single photo so that I didn't cover up too many of them. I picked an old photo of my son in the garden and smooshed distress oxide ink over the middle of the page to add some colour to the plain hexagons. I chose green to give an outdoors-y feel; there are nearly 40 colours in the shop so there's bound to be one to match your project.
I matted my photo on a few 6x6 papers, mixing two old Crate Paper collections (DIY Shop and Random), placed it in the middle of the page, popped my title into a gap between the hexagons and added three embellishment clusters. I would normally place these closer to the photo but I felt the need to spread them out this time. They are really very simple with just strips of washi tape, cardstock hearts left over from another page and some enamel dots.
I hope these two pages demonstrate how versatile cut-files can be, and how you can get two very different looks from just one file.