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Union Flag Shaker Box

Hi Twilight Community!

Kelly here with the instructions on how I created my shaker box from last week's DT post. I have a love / hate relationship with shaker boxes. I love how they look, hate when they leak insides all over my scrapbook albums!

This cutfile (Union flag - it will only become a Union Jack if I take my scrapbook album on a boat!!!!!) is the perfect shape to make a shaker box that will not leak and I have a couple of tips and tricks for you.

Once you have cut your file, do not discard the inner parts, we are going to use those later. Try and keep them the right way up as well.

Cut a piece of acetate ever so lightly smaller than the overall rectangle for the flag desgn. Stick this to the back of your cutfile. I used wet glue and made sure I used glue on all of the internal lines as well as round the edge. This is tip 1 for not loosing the insides!

Take the internal pieces and use them as templates on the patterned paper you want to use under your sequins. I used blue and red patterns. Trace over your inner pieces making your patterned pieces ever so slightly larger than your template.

Use foam tape (rather than pads) on all the internal lines to create the depth for your shaker box. make sure you have no gaps in between your tape *tip 2 for keeping everythin contrained!*

Go ahead and add your sequins into the the gaps. I went with the blue and red colour theme and only used large sequins and confetti pieces. Glitter does add a bit of sparkle, but unless your tape is watertight then be prepared for it to go everywhere!

Stick your patterned paper to the foam tape. Make sure you have it the right way round so you see the correct pattern through the acetate. Add extra tape where needed to hold it all secure.

You can see I still had some tape showing where my pieces were a bit smaller than where I had put the tape. I applied wet glue to the back and covered the whole lot with white card. This will help hold everything in place and make it easier to stick to your page.

The final step is to flip it over and stick it to your page. Make sure you stick it the correct way up!

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